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Simd Namespace Reference


namespace  Motion
 Contains Framework for motion detection.
namespace  Neural
 Contains Framework for learning of Convolutional Neural Network.
namespace  Pixel
 Contains various pixel structures.

Data Structures

struct  Allocator
 Aligned memory allocator. More...
struct  ContourDetector
 ContourDetector structure provides detection of contours at the image. More...
class  CpuDesc
 Describes type of description which can return function Simd.Lib.CpuDesc. More...
class  CpuInfo
 Describes type of information which can return function Simd.Lib.CpuInfo. More...
struct  Detection
 The Detection structure provides object detection with using of HAAR and LBP cascade classifiers. More...
class  Font
 The Font class provides text drawing. More...
struct  Frame
 The Frame structure provides storage and manipulation of frames (multiplanar images). More...
class  FrameFormat
 Describes frame format type. More...
class  Image
 The Image class provides storage and manipulation of images. More...
class  ImageFile
 Describes formats of image file. More...
class  ImageFrame
 The ImageFrame class provides storage and manipulation of frames (multiplanar images). More...
struct  ImageMatcher
 The ImageMatcher structure provides fast algorithm of searching of similar images. More...
class  Lib
 A wrapper around Simd Library API. More...
class  PixelFormat
 Describes pixel format type. More...
struct  Point
 The Point structure defines the x- and y-coordinates of a point. More...
class  Position
 Describes the position of the child sub image relative to the parent image. More...
struct  Pyramid
 The Pyramid structure provides storage and manipulation of pyramid images. More...
struct  Rectangle
 The Rectangle structure defines the positions of left, top, right and bottom sides of a rectangle. More...
class  ResizeChannel
 Describes resized image channel types. More...
class  ResizeMethod
 Describes methods used in order to resize image. More...
struct  ShiftDetector
 ShiftDetector structure provides shift detection of given region at the image. More...
class  TensorData
 Describes tensor data type. More...
class  TensorFormat
 4D-tensor format type. More...
struct  View
 The View structure provides storage and manipulation of images. More...
class  WarpAffineFlags
 Describes Warp Affine flags. More...
class  YuvType
 Describes YUV format type. More...


template<typename T >
bool operator== (const Point< T > &p1, const Point< T > &p2)
 Compares two points on equality. More...
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (const Point< T > &p1, const Point< T > &p2)
 Compares two points on inequality. More...
template<typename T >
Point< T > operator+ (const Point< T > &p1, const Point< T > &p2)
 Adds two points. More...
template<typename T >
Point< T > operator- (const Point< T > &p1, const Point< T > &p2)
 Subtracts two points. More...
template<typename T >
Point< T > operator* (const Point< T > &p1, const Point< T > &p2)
 Multiplies two points. More...
template<typename T >
Point< T > operator/ (const Point< T > &p1, const Point< T > &p2)
 Divides two points. More...
template<typename T >
Point< T > operator- (const Point< T > &p)
 Returns point with coordinates with the opposite sign. More...
template<typename TP , typename TA >
Point< TP > operator/ (const Point< TP > &p, const TA &a)
 Divides the point on the scalar value. More...
template<typename TP , typename TA >
Point< TP > operator* (const Point< TP > &p, const TA &a)
 Multiplies the point on the scalar value. More...
template<typename TP , typename TA >
Point< TP > operator* (const TA &a, const Point< TP > &p)
 Multiplies the scalar value on the point. More...
template<typename T >
SquaredDistance (const Point< T > &p1, const Point< T > &p2)
 Gets squared distance between two points. More...
template<typename T >
double Distance (const Point< T > &p1, const Point< T > &p2)
 Gets distance between two points. More...
template<typename T >
DotProduct (const Point< T > &p1, const Point< T > &p2)
 Gets dot product of two points. More...
template<typename T >
CrossProduct (const Point< T > &p1, const Point< T > &p2)
 Gets cross product of two points. More...
template<typename T >
SIMD_INLINE bool operator== (const Point< T > &p1, const Point< T > &p2)
 Compares two points on equality. More...
template<typename T >
SIMD_INLINE bool operator!= (const Point< T > &p1, const Point< T > &p2)
 Compares two points on inequality. More...
template<typename T >
SIMD_INLINE Point< T > operator+ (const Point< T > &p1, const Point< T > &p2)
 Adds two points. More...
template<typename T >
SIMD_INLINE Point< T > operator- (const Point< T > &p1, const Point< T > &p2)
 Subtracts two points. More...
template<typename T >
SIMD_INLINE Point< T > operator* (const Point< T > &p1, const Point< T > &p2)
 Multiplies two points. More...
template<typename T >
SIMD_INLINE Point< T > operator/ (const Point< T > &p1, const Point< T > &p2)
 Divides two points. More...
template<typename T >
SIMD_INLINE Point< T > operator- (const Point< T > &p)
 Returns point with coordinates with the opposite sign. More...
template<typename TP , typename TA >
SIMD_INLINE Point< TP > operator/ (const Point< TP > &p, const TA &a)
 Divides the point on the scalar value. More...
template<typename TP , typename TA >
SIMD_INLINE Point< TP > operator* (const Point< TP > &p, const TA &a)
 Multiplies the point on the scalar value. More...
template<typename TP , typename TA >
SIMD_INLINE Point< TP > operator* (const TA &a, const Point< TP > &p)
 Multiplies the scalar value on the point. More...
template<typename T >
SIMD_INLINE T SquaredDistance (const Point< T > &p1, const Point< T > &p2)
 Gets squared distance between two points. More...
template<typename T >
SIMD_INLINE double Distance (const Point< T > &p1, const Point< T > &p2)
 Gets distance between two points. More...
template<typename T >
SIMD_INLINE T DotProduct (const Point< T > &p1, const Point< T > &p2)
 Gets dot product of two points. More...
template<typename T >
SIMD_INLINE T CrossProduct (const Point< T > &p1, const Point< T > &p2)
 Gets cross product of two points. More...
template<typename T >
bool operator== (const Rectangle< T > &r1, const Rectangle< T > &r2)
 Compares two rectangles on equality. More...
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (const Rectangle< T > &r1, const Rectangle< T > &r2)
 Compares two rectangles on inequality. More...
template<class T1 , class T2 >
Rectangle< T1 > operator/ (const Rectangle< T1 > &rect, const T2 &value)
 Divides the rectangle on the scalar value. More...
template<class T1 , class T2 >
Rectangle< T1 > operator* (const Rectangle< T1 > &rect, const T2 &value)
 Multiplies the rectangle on the scalar value. More...
template<class T1 , class T2 >
Rectangle< T1 > operator* (const T2 &value, const Rectangle< T1 > &rect)
 Multiplies the scalar value on the rectangle. More...
template<typename T >
Rectangle< T > operator+ (const Rectangle< T > &r1, const Rectangle< T > &r2)
 Sums the corresponding rectangle's coordinates of two rectangles.. More...
template<typename T >
SIMD_INLINE bool operator== (const Rectangle< T > &r1, const Rectangle< T > &r2)
 Compares two rectangles on equality. More...
template<typename T >
SIMD_INLINE bool operator!= (const Rectangle< T > &r1, const Rectangle< T > &r2)
 Compares two rectangles on inequality. More...
template<class T1 , class T2 >
SIMD_INLINE Rectangle< T1 > operator/ (const Rectangle< T1 > &rect, const T2 &value)
 Divides the rectangle on the scalar value. More...
template<class T1 , class T2 >
SIMD_INLINE Rectangle< T1 > operator* (const Rectangle< T1 > &rect, const T2 &value)
 Multiplies the rectangle on the scalar value. More...
template<class T1 , class T2 >
SIMD_INLINE Rectangle< T1 > operator* (const T2 &value, const Rectangle< T1 > &rect)
 Multiplies the scalar value on the rectangle. More...
template<class T >
SIMD_INLINE Rectangle< T > operator+ (const Rectangle< T > &r1, const Rectangle< T > &r2)
 Sums the corresponding rectangle's coordinates of two rectangles.. More...
template<template< class > class A, class T >
const T & At (const View< A > &view, size_t x, size_t y)
template<template< class > class A, class T >
T & At (View< A > &view, size_t x, size_t y)
template<template< class > class A, template< class > class B>
bool EqualSize (const View< A > &a, const View< B > &b)
template<template< class > class A>
bool EqualSize (const View< A > &a, const View< A > &b, const View< A > &c)
template<template< class > class A>
bool EqualSize (const View< A > &a, const View< A > &b, const View< A > &c, const View< A > &d)
template<template< class > class A, template< class > class B>
bool Compatible (const View< A > &a, const View< B > &b)
template<template< class > class A>
bool Compatible (const View< A > &a, const View< A > &b, const View< A > &c)
template<template< class > class A>
bool Compatible (const View< A > &a, const View< A > &b, const View< A > &c, const View< A > &d)
template<template< class > class A>
bool Compatible (const View< A > &a, const View< A > &b, const View< A > &c, const View< A > &d, const View< A > &e)
template<template< class > class A, template< class > class B>
SIMD_INLINE bool EqualSize (const View< A > &a, const View< B > &b)
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE bool EqualSize (const View< A > &a, const View< A > &b, const View< A > &c)
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE bool EqualSize (const View< A > &a, const View< A > &b, const View< A > &c, const View< A > &d)
template<template< class > class A, template< class > class B>
SIMD_INLINE bool Compatible (const View< A > &a, const View< B > &b)
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE bool Compatible (const View< A > &a, const View< A > &b, const View< A > &c)
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE bool Compatible (const View< A > &a, const View< A > &b, const View< A > &c, const View< A > &d)
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE bool Compatible (const View< A > &a, const View< A > &b, const View< A > &c, const View< A > &d, const View< A > &e)
SIMD_INLINE void PrintInfo (std::ostream &os)
 Prints information about Simd Library and CPU. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void AbsDifference (const View< A > &a, const View< A > &b, View< A > &c)
 Gets absolute difference of two gray 8-bit images, pyxel by pixel. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void AbsDifferenceSum (const View< A > &a, const View< A > &b, uint64_t &sum)
 Gets sum of absolute difference of two gray 8-bit images. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void AbsDifferenceSum (const View< A > &a, const View< A > &b, const View< A > &mask, uint8_t index, uint64_t &sum)
 Gets sum of absolute difference of two gray 8-bit images based on gray 8-bit mask. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void AbsDifferenceSums3x3 (const View< A > &current, const View< A > &background, uint64_t *sums)
 Gets 9 sums of absolute difference of two gray 8-bit images with various relative shifts in neighborhood 3x3. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void AbsDifferenceSums3x3 (const View< A > &current, const View< A > &background, const View< A > &mask, uint8_t index, uint64_t *sums)
 Gets 9 sums of absolute difference of two gray 8-bit images with various relative shifts in neighborhood 3x3 based on gray 8-bit mask. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void AbsGradientSaturatedSum (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst)
 Puts to destination 8-bit gray image saturated sum of absolute gradient for every point of source 8-bit gray image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void AddFeatureDifference (const View< A > &value, const View< A > &lo, const View< A > &hi, uint16_t weight, View< A > &difference)
 Adds feature difference to common difference sum. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void AlphaBlending (const View< A > &src, const View< A > &alpha, View< A > &dst)
 Performs alpha blending operation. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void AlphaBlending2x (const View< A > &src0, const View< A > &alpha0, const View< A > &src1, const View< A > &alpha1, View< A > &dst)
 Performs double alpha blending operation. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void AlphaBlendingBgraToYuv420p (const View< A > &bgra, View< A > &y, View< A > &u, View< A > &v, SimdYuvType yuvType=SimdYuvBt601)
 Performs alpha blending of BGRA image to YUV420P. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void AlphaBlending (const View< A > &src, uint8_t alpha, View< A > &dst)
 Performs alpha blending operation. More...
template<template< class > class A, class Pixel >
SIMD_INLINE void AlphaFilling (View< A > &dst, const Pixel &pixel, const View< A > &alpha)
 Performs alpha filling operation. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void AlphaPremultiply (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst)
 Performs premultiply operation. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void AlphaUnpremultiply (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst)
 Performs unpremultiply operation. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void BackgroundGrowRangeSlow (const View< A > &value, View< A > &lo, View< A > &hi)
 Performs background update (initial grow, slow mode). More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void BackgroundGrowRangeFast (const View< A > &value, View< A > &lo, View< A > &hi)
 Performs background update (initial grow, fast mode). More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void BackgroundIncrementCount (const View< A > &value, const View< A > &loValue, const View< A > &hiValue, View< A > &loCount, View< A > &hiCount)
 Performs collection of background statistic. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void BackgroundAdjustRange (View< A > &loCount, View< A > &loValue, View< A > &hiCount, View< A > &hiValue, uint8_t threshold)
 Performs adjustment of background range. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void BackgroundAdjustRange (View< A > &loCount, View< A > &loValue, View< A > &hiCount, View< A > &hiValue, uint8_t threshold, const View< A > &mask)
 Performs adjustment of background range with using adjust range mask. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void BackgroundShiftRange (const View< A > &value, View< A > &lo, View< A > &hi)
 Shifts background range. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void BackgroundShiftRange (const View< A > &value, View< A > &lo, View< A > &hi, const View< A > &mask)
 Shifts background range with using shift range mask. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void BackgroundInitMask (const View< A > &src, uint8_t index, uint8_t value, View< A > &dst)
 Creates background update mask. More...
SIMD_INLINE std::string Base64Decode (const std::string &src)
 Decode string to Base64. More...
SIMD_INLINE std::string Base64Encode (const std::string &src)
 Encode string to Base64. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void BayerToBgr (const View< A > &bayer, View< A > &bgr)
 Converts 8-bit Bayer image to 24-bit BGR. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void BayerToBgra (const View< A > &bayer, View< A > &bgra, uint8_t alpha=0xFF)
 Converts 8-bit Bayer image to 32-bit BGRA. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void BgraToBayer (const View< A > &bgra, View< A > &bayer)
 Converts 32-bit BGRA image to 8-bit Bayer image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void BgraToBgr (const View< A > &bgra, View< A > &bgr)
 Converts 32-bit BGRA image to 24-bit BGR image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void BgraToGray (const View< A > &bgra, View< A > &gray)
 Converts 32-bit BGRA image to 8-bit gray image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void BgraToRgb (const View< A > &bgra, View< A > &rgb)
 Converts 32-bit BGRA image to 24-bit RGB image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void BgraToRgba (const View< A > &bgra, View< A > &rgba)
 Converts 32-bit BGRA image to 32-bit RGBA image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void BgraToYuv420p (const View< A > &bgra, View< A > &y, View< A > &u, View< A > &v, SimdYuvType yuvType=SimdYuvBt601)
 Converts 32-bit BGRA image to YUV420P. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void BgraToYuv422p (const View< A > &bgra, View< A > &y, View< A > &u, View< A > &v, SimdYuvType yuvType=SimdYuvBt601)
 Converts 32-bit BGRA image to YUV422P. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void BgraToYuv444p (const View< A > &bgra, View< A > &y, View< A > &u, View< A > &v, SimdYuvType yuvType=SimdYuvBt601)
 Converts 32-bit BGRA image to YUV444P. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void BgraToYuva420p (const View< A > &bgra, View< A > &y, View< A > &u, View< A > &v, View< A > &a, SimdYuvType yuvType=SimdYuvBt601)
 Converts 32-bit BGRA image to YUVA420P. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void BgrToBayer (const View< A > &bgr, View< A > &bayer)
 Converts 24-bit BGR image to 8-bit Bayer image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void BgrToBgra (const View< A > &bgr, View< A > &bgra, uint8_t alpha=0xFF)
 Converts 24-bit BGR image to 32-bit BGRA image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Bgr48pToBgra32 (const View< A > &blue, const View< A > &green, const View< A > &red, View< A > &bgra, uint8_t alpha=0xFF)
 Converts 48-bit planar BGR image to 32-bit BGRA image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void BgrToGray (const View< A > &bgr, View< A > &gray)
 Converts 24-bit BGR image to 8-bit gray image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void BgrToHsl (const View< A > &bgr, View< A > &hsl)
 Converts 24-bit BGR image to 24-bit HSL(Hue, Saturation, Lightness) image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void BgrToHsv (const View< A > &bgr, View< A > &hsv)
 Converts 24-bit BGR image to 24-bit HSV(Hue, Saturation, Value) image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void BgrToLab (const View< A > &bgr, View< A > &lab)
 Converts 24-bit BGR image to 24-bit LAB image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void BgrToRgb (const View< A > &bgr, View< A > &rgb)
 Converts 24-bit BGR image to 24-bit RGB image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void BgrToRgba (const View< A > &bgr, View< A > &rgba, uint8_t alpha=0xFF)
 Converts 24-bit BGR image to 32-bit RGBA image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void BgrToYuv420p (const View< A > &bgr, View< A > &y, View< A > &u, View< A > &v, SimdYuvType yuvType=SimdYuvBt601)
 Converts 24-bit BGR image to YUV420P. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void BgrToYuv422p (const View< A > &bgr, View< A > &y, View< A > &u, View< A > &v, SimdYuvType yuvType=SimdYuvBt601)
 Converts 24-bit BGR image to YUV422P. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void BgrToYuv444p (const View< A > &bgr, View< A > &y, View< A > &u, View< A > &v, SimdYuvType yuvType=SimdYuvBt601)
 Converts 24-bit BGR image to YUV444P. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Binarization (const View< A > &src, uint8_t value, uint8_t positive, uint8_t negative, View< A > &dst, SimdCompareType compareType)
 Performs binarization of 8-bit gray image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void AveragingBinarization (const View< A > &src, uint8_t value, size_t neighborhood, uint8_t threshold, uint8_t positive, uint8_t negative, View< A > &dst, SimdCompareType compareType)
 Performs averaging binarization of 8-bit gray image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void AveragingBinarizationV2 (const View< A > &src, size_t neighborhood, int32_t shift, uint8_t positive, uint8_t negative, View< A > &dst)
 Performs averaging binarization of 8-bit gray image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void ConditionalCount8u (const View< A > &src, uint8_t value, SimdCompareType compareType, uint32_t &count)
 Calculates number of points satisfying certain condition for 8-bit gray image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void ConditionalCount16i (const View< A > &src, int16_t value, SimdCompareType compareType, uint32_t &count)
 Calculates number of points satisfying certain condition for 16-bit signed integer image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void ConditionalSum (const View< A > &src, const View< A > &mask, uint8_t value, SimdCompareType compareType, uint64_t &sum)
 Calculates sum of image points when mask points satisfying certain condition. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void ConditionalSquareSum (const View< A > &src, const View< A > &mask, uint8_t value, SimdCompareType compareType, uint64_t &sum)
 Calculates sum of squared image points when mask points satisfying certain condition. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void ConditionalSquareGradientSum (const View< A > &src, const View< A > &mask, uint8_t value, SimdCompareType compareType, uint64_t &sum)
 Calculates sum of squared gradient of image points when mask points satisfying certain condition. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void ConditionalFill (const View< A > &src, uint8_t threshold, SimdCompareType compareType, uint8_t value, View< A > &dst)
 Fills pixels of 8-bit gray image by given value if corresponding pixels of input 8-bit gray image satisfy certain condition. More...
template<template< class > class A, template< class > class B>
SIMD_INLINE void Copy (const View< A > &src, View< B > &dst)
 Copies pixels data of image from source to destination. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void CopyFrame (const View< A > &src, const Rectangle< ptrdiff_t > &frame, View< A > &dst)
 Copies pixels data of image from source to destination except for the portion bounded frame. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void DeinterleaveUv (const View< A > &uv, View< A > &u, View< A > &v)
 Deinterleaves 16-bit UV interleaved image into separated 8-bit U and V planar images. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void DeinterleaveBgr (const View< A > &bgr, View< A > &b, View< A > &g, View< A > &r)
 Deinterleaves 24-bit BGR interleaved image into separated 8-bit Blue, Green and Red planar images. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void DeinterleaveBgra (const View< A > &bgra, View< A > &b, View< A > &g, View< A > &r, View< A > &a)
 Deinterleaves 32-bit BGRA interleaved image into separated 8-bit Blue, Green, Red and Alpha planar images. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void DeinterleaveBgra (const View< A > &bgra, View< A > &b, View< A > &g, View< A > &r)
 Deinterleaves 32-bit BGRA interleaved image into separated 8-bit Blue, Green and Red planar images (Alpha channel is ignored). More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void DeinterleaveRgb (const View< A > &rgb, View< A > &r, View< A > &g, View< A > &b)
 Deinterleaves 24-bit RGB interleaved image into separated 8-bit Red, Green and Blue planar images. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void DeinterleaveRgba (const View< A > &rgba, View< A > &r, View< A > &g, View< A > &b, View< A > &a)
 Deinterleaves 32-bit RGBA interleaved image into separated 8-bit Red, Green, Blue and Alpha planar images. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void DeinterleaveRgba (const View< A > &rgba, View< A > &r, View< A > &g, View< A > &b)
 Deinterleaves 32-bit RGBA interleaved image into separated 8-bit Red, Green and Blue planar images (Alpha channel is ignored). More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Fill (View< A > &dst, uint8_t value)
 Fills pixels data of image by given value. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void FillFrame (View< A > &dst, const Rectangle< ptrdiff_t > &frame, uint8_t value)
 Fills pixels data of image except for the portion bounded frame by given value. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void FillBgr (View< A > &dst, uint8_t blue, uint8_t green, uint8_t red)
 Fills pixels data of 24-bit BGR image by given color(blue, green, red). More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void FillBgra (View< A > &dst, uint8_t blue, uint8_t green, uint8_t red, uint8_t alpha=0xFF)
 Fills pixels data of 32-bit BGRA image by given color(blue, green, red, alpha). More...
template<template< class > class A, class Pixel >
SIMD_INLINE void FillPixel (View< A > &dst, const Pixel &pixel)
 Fills image by value of given pixel. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void GaussianBlur3x3 (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst)
 Performs Gaussian blur filtration with window 3x3. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void GrayToBgr (const View< A > &gray, View< A > &bgr)
 Converts 8-bit gray image to 24-bit BGR image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void GrayToRgb (const View< A > &gray, View< A > &rgb)
 Converts 8-bit gray image to 24-bit RGB image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void GrayToBgra (const View< A > &gray, View< A > &bgra, uint8_t alpha=0xFF)
 Converts 8-bit gray image to 32-bit BGRA image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void GrayToRgba (const View< A > &gray, View< A > &rgba, uint8_t alpha=0xFF)
 Converts 8-bit gray image to 32-bit RGBA image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void GrayToY (const View< A > &gray, View< A > &y)
 Converts 8-bit gray image to 8-bit Y plane of YUV image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void AbsSecondDerivativeHistogram (const View< A > &src, size_t step, size_t indent, uint32_t *histogram)
 Calculates histogram of second derivative for 8-bit gray image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Histogram (const View< A > &src, uint32_t *histogram)
 Calculates histogram for 8-bit gray image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void HistogramMasked (const View< A > &src, const View< A > &mask, uint8_t index, uint32_t *histogram)
 Calculates histogram for 8-bit gray image with using mask. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void HistogramConditional (const View< A > &src, const View< A > &mask, uint8_t value, SimdCompareType compareType, uint32_t *histogram)
 Calculates histogram of 8-bit gray image for those points when mask points satisfying certain condition. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void ChangeColors (const View< A > &src, const uint8_t *colors, View< A > &dst)
 Changes colors for 8-bit gray image with using of color map. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void NormalizeHistogram (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst)
 Normalizes histogram for 8-bit gray image. More...
SIMD_INLINE double Mean (const uint32_t *histogram)
 Calculates mean from image histogram. More...
SIMD_INLINE uint8_t OtsuThreshold (const uint32_t *histogram)
 Calculates Otsu threhsold from image histogram. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void HogExtractFeatures (const View< A > &src, float *features)
 Extracts HOG features for 8-bit gray image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Int16ToGray (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst)
 Converts 16-bit signed integer image to 8-bit gray image with saturation. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Integral (const View< A > &src, View< A > &sum)
 Calculates integral images for input 8-bit gray image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Integral (const View< A > &src, View< A > &sum, View< A > &sqsum)
 Calculates integral images for input 8-bit gray image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Integral (const View< A > &src, View< A > &sum, View< A > &sqsum, View< A > &tilted)
 Calculates integral images for input 8-bit gray image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void InterleaveUv (const View< A > &u, const View< A > &v, View< A > &uv)
 Interleaves 8-bit U and V planar images into one 16-bit UV interleaved image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void InterleaveBgr (const View< A > &b, const View< A > &g, const View< A > &r, View< A > &bgr)
 Interleaves 8-bit Blue, Green and Red planar images into one 24-bit BGR interleaved image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void InterleaveBgra (const View< A > &b, const View< A > &g, const View< A > &r, const View< A > &a, View< A > &bgra)
 Interleaves 8-bit Blue, Green, Red and Alpha planar images into one 32-bit BGRA interleaved image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Laplace (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst)
 Calculates Laplace's filter. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void LaplaceAbs (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst)
 Calculates absolute value of Laplace's filter. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void LaplaceAbsSum (const View< A > &src, uint64_t &sum)
 Calculates sum of absolute value of Laplace's filter. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void LbpEstimate (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst)
 Calculates LBP (Local Binary Patterns) for 8-bit gray image. More...
SIMD_INLINE void LitterCpuCache (size_t k=2)
 It creates a large buffer and fills it. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void MeanFilter3x3 (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst)
 Performs an averaging with window 3x3. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void MedianFilterRhomb3x3 (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst)
 Performs median filtration of input image (filter window is a rhomb 3x3). More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void MedianFilterRhomb5x5 (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst)
 Performs median filtration of input image (filter window is a rhomb 5x5). More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void MedianFilterSquare3x3 (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst)
 Performs median filtration of input image (filter window is a square 3x3). More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void MedianFilterSquare5x5 (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst)
 Performs median filtration of input image (filter window is a square 5x5). More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void NeuralConvert (const View< A > &src, float *dst, size_t stride, bool inversion)
 Converts a 8-bit gray image to the 32-bit float array. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void OperationBinary8u (const View< A > &a, const View< A > &b, View< A > &dst, SimdOperationBinary8uType type)
 Performs given operation between two images. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void OperationBinary16i (const View< A > &a, const View< A > &b, View< A > &dst, SimdOperationBinary16iType type)
 Performs given operation between two images. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void VectorProduct (const uint8_t *vertical, const uint8_t *horizontal, View< A > &dst)
 Calculates result 8-bit gray image as product of two vectors. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void RecursiveBilateralFilter (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst, float sigmaSpatial, float sigmaRange, SimdRecursiveBilateralFilterFlags flags=SimdRecursiveBilateralFilterFast)
 Performs image recursive bilateral filtering. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void ReduceGray2x2 (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst)
 Performs reducing (in 2 times) and Gaussian blurring a 8-bit gray image with using window 2x2. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void ReduceGray3x3 (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst, bool compensation=true)
 Performs reducing (in 2 times) and Gaussian blurring a 8-bit gray image with using window 3x3. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void ReduceGray4x4 (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst)
 Performs reducing (in 2 times) and Gaussian blurring a 8-bit gray image with using window 4x4. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void ReduceGray5x5 (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst, bool compensation=true)
 Performs reducing (in 2 times) and Gaussian blurring a 8-bit gray image with using window 5x5. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void ReduceGray (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst, ::SimdReduceType reduceType, bool compensation=true)
 Performs reducing (in 2 times) and Gaussian blurring a 8-bit gray image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Reduce2x2 (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst)
 Performs reducing of image (in 2 times). More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Resize (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst, ::SimdResizeMethodType method=::SimdResizeMethodBilinear)
 Performs resizing of image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Resize (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst, const Point< ptrdiff_t > &size, ::SimdResizeMethodType method=::SimdResizeMethodBilinear)
 Performs resizing of image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void RgbToBgr (const View< A > &rgb, View< A > &bgr)
 Converts 24-bit RGB image to 24-bit BGR image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void RgbToBgra (const View< A > &rgb, View< A > &bgra, uint8_t alpha=0xFF)
 Converts 24-bit RGB image to 32-bit BGRA image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void RgbToGray (const View< A > &rgb, View< A > &gray)
 Converts 24-bit RGB image to 8-bit gray image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void RgbToRgba (const View< A > &rgb, View< A > &rgba, uint8_t alpha=0xFF)
 Converts 24-bit RGB image to 32-bit RGBA image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void RgbaToBgr (const View< A > &rgba, View< A > &bgr)
 Converts 32-bit RGBA image to 24-bit BGR image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void RgbaToBgra (const View< A > &rgba, View< A > &bgra)
 Converts 32-bit RGBA image to 32-bit BGRA image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void RgbaToGray (const View< A > &rgba, View< A > &gray)
 Converts 32-bit RGBA image to 8-bit gray image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void RgbaToRgb (const View< A > &rgba, View< A > &rgb)
 Converts 32-bit RGBA image to 24-bit RGB image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void SegmentationChangeIndex (View< A > &mask, uint8_t oldIndex, uint8_t newIndex)
 Changes certain index in mask. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void SegmentationFillSingleHoles (View< A > &mask, uint8_t index)
 Fill single holes in mask. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void SegmentationPropagate2x2 (const View< A > &parent, View< A > &child, const View< A > &difference, uint8_t currentIndex, uint8_t invalidIndex, uint8_t emptyIndex, uint8_t differenceThreshold)
 Propagates mask index from parent (upper) to child (lower) level of mask pyramid with using 2x2 scan window. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void SegmentationShrinkRegion (const View< A > &mask, uint8_t index, Rectangle< ptrdiff_t > &rect)
 Finds actual region of mask index location. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void ShiftBilinear (const View< A > &src, const View< A > &bkg, const Point< double > &shift, const Rectangle< ptrdiff_t > &crop, View< A > &dst)
 Performs shifting of input image with using bilinear interpolation. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void SobelDx (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst)
 Calculates Sobel's filter along x axis. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void SobelDxAbs (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst)
 Calculates absolute value of Sobel's filter along x axis. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void SobelDxAbsSum (const View< A > &src, uint64_t &sum)
 Calculates sum of absolute value of Sobel's filter along x axis. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void SobelDy (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst)
 Calculates Sobel's filter along y axis. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void SobelDyAbs (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst)
 Calculates absolute value of Sobel's filter along y axis. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void SobelDyAbsSum (const View< A > &src, uint64_t &sum)
 Calculates sum of absolute value of Sobel's filter along y axis. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void ContourMetrics (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst)
 Calculates contour metrics based on absolute value and direction of Sobel's filter along y and y axis. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void ContourMetrics (const View< A > &src, const View< A > &mask, uint8_t indexMin, View< A > &dst)
 Calculates contour metrics based on absolute value and direction of Sobel's filter along y and y axis with using mask. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void ContourAnchors (const View< A > &src, size_t step, int16_t threshold, View< A > &dst)
 Extract contour anchors from contour metrics. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void SquaredDifferenceSum (const View< A > &a, const View< A > &b, uint64_t &sum)
 Calculates sum of squared differences for two 8-bit gray images. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void SquaredDifferenceSum (const View< A > &a, const View< A > &b, const View< A > &mask, uint8_t index, uint64_t &sum)
 Calculates sum of squared differences for two images with using mask. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void GetStatistic (const View< A > &src, uint8_t &min, uint8_t &max, uint8_t &average)
 Finds minimal, maximal and average pixel values for given image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void GetMoments (const View< A > &mask, uint8_t index, uint64_t &area, uint64_t &x, uint64_t &y, uint64_t &xx, uint64_t &xy, uint64_t &yy)
 Calculate statistical characteristics (moments) of pixels with given index. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void GetObjectMoments (const View< A > &src, const View< A > &mask, uint8_t index, uint64_t &n, uint64_t &s, uint64_t &sx, uint64_t &sy, uint64_t &sxx, uint64_t &sxy, uint64_t &syy)
 Calculate statistical characteristics (moments) of given object. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void GetRowSums (const View< A > &src, uint32_t *sums)
 Calculate sums of rows for given 8-bit gray image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void GetColSums (const View< A > &src, uint32_t *sums)
 Calculate sums of columns for given 8-bit gray image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void GetAbsDyRowSums (const View< A > &src, uint32_t *sums)
 Calculate sums of absolute derivate along y axis for rows for given 8-bit gray image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void GetAbsDxColSums (const View< A > &src, uint32_t *sums)
 Calculate sums of absolute derivate along x axis for columns for given 8-bit gray image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void ValueSum (const View< A > &src, uint64_t &sum)
 Gets sum of value of pixels for gray 8-bit image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void SquareSum (const View< A > &src, uint64_t &sum)
 Gets sum of squared value of pixels for gray 8-bit image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void ValueSquareSum (const View< A > &src, uint64_t &valueSum, uint64_t &squareSum)
 Gets sum and sum of squared value of pixels for gray 8-bit image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void ValueSquareSums (const View< A > &src, uint64_t *valueSums, uint64_t *squareSums)
 Gets image channels value sums and squared value sums for image. The image must have 8-bit depth per channel. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void CorrelationSum (const View< A > &a, const View< A > &b, uint64_t &sum)
 Gets sum of pixel correlation for two gray 8-bit images. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void StretchGray2x2 (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst)
 Stretches input 8-bit gray image in two times. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void SynetSetInput (const View< A > &src, const float *lower, const float *upper, float *dst, size_t channels, SimdTensorFormatType format, bool isRgb=false)
 Sets image to the input of neural network of Synet Framework. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void TextureBoostedSaturatedGradient (const View< A > &src, uint8_t saturation, uint8_t boost, View< A > &dx, View< A > &dy)
 Calculates boosted saturated gradients for given input image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void TextureBoostedUv (const View< A > &src, uint8_t boost, View< A > &dst)
 Calculates boosted colorized texture feature of input image (actual for U and V components of YUV format). More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void TextureGetDifferenceSum (const View< A > &src, const View< A > &lo, const View< A > &hi, int64_t &sum)
 Calculates difference between current image and background. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void TexturePerformCompensation (const View< A > &src, int shift, View< A > &dst)
 Performs brightness compensation of input image. More...
SIMD_INLINE Point< ptrdiff_t > TransformSize (const Point< ptrdiff_t > &size, ::SimdTransformType transform)
 Gets size of transformed image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void TransformImage (const View< A > &src, ::SimdTransformType transform, View< A > &dst)
 Performs transformation of input image. The type of transformation is defined by SimdTransformType enumeration. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Uyvy422ToBgr (const View< A > &uyvy, View< A > &bgr, SimdYuvType yuvType=SimdYuvBt601)
 Converts 16-bit UYVY422 image to 24-bit BGR image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Uyvy422ToYuv420p (const View< A > &uyvy, View< A > &y, View< A > &u, View< A > &v)
 Converts 16-bit UYVY422 image to YUV420P. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void WarpAffine (const View< A > &src, const float *mat, View< A > &dst, SimdWarpAffineFlags flags=(SimdWarpAffineFlags)(SimdWarpAffineChannelByte|SimdWarpAffineInterpBilinear|SimdWarpAffineBorderConstant), const uint8_t *border=NULL)
 Performs warp affine for current image. More...
SIMD_INLINE bool InvertAffineTransform (const float *src, float *dst)
 Performs inversion of warp affine transform matrix. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void YToGray (const View< A > &y, View< A > &gray)
 Converts 8-bit Y plane of YUV image to 8-bit gray image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Yuva420pToBgra (const View< A > &y, const View< A > &u, const View< A > &v, const View< A > &a, View< A > &bgra, SimdYuvType yuvType=SimdYuvBt601)
 Converts YUVA420P image to 32-bit BGRA image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Yuva422pToBgra (const View< A > &y, const View< A > &u, const View< A > &v, const View< A > &a, View< A > &bgra, SimdYuvType yuvType=SimdYuvBt601)
 Converts YUVA422P image to 32-bit BGRA image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Yuva444pToBgra (const View< A > &y, const View< A > &u, const View< A > &v, const View< A > &a, View< A > &bgra, SimdYuvType yuvType=SimdYuvBt601)
 Converts YUVA444P image to 32-bit BGRA image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Yuv420pToBgr (const View< A > &y, const View< A > &u, const View< A > &v, View< A > &bgr, SimdYuvType yuvType=SimdYuvBt601)
 Converts YUV420P image to 24-bit BGR image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Yuv422pToBgr (const View< A > &y, const View< A > &u, const View< A > &v, View< A > &bgr, SimdYuvType yuvType=SimdYuvBt601)
 Converts YUV422P image to 24-bit BGR image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Yuv444pToBgr (const View< A > &y, const View< A > &u, const View< A > &v, View< A > &bgr, SimdYuvType yuvType=SimdYuvBt601)
 Converts YUV444P image to 24-bit BGR image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Yuv420pToBgra (const View< A > &y, const View< A > &u, const View< A > &v, View< A > &bgra, uint8_t alpha=0xFF, SimdYuvType yuvType=SimdYuvBt601)
 Converts YUV420P image to 32-bit BGRA image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Yuv422pToBgra (const View< A > &y, const View< A > &u, const View< A > &v, View< A > &bgra, uint8_t alpha=0xFF, SimdYuvType yuvType=SimdYuvBt601)
 Converts YUV422P image to 32-bit BGRA image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Yuv444pToBgra (const View< A > &y, const View< A > &u, const View< A > &v, View< A > &bgra, uint8_t alpha=0xFF, SimdYuvType yuvType=SimdYuvBt601)
 Converts YUV444P image to 32-bit BGRA image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Yuv444pToHsl (const View< A > &y, const View< A > &u, const View< A > &v, View< A > &hsl)
 Converts YUV444P image to 24-bit HSL(Hue, Saturation, Lightness) image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Yuv444pToHsv (const View< A > &y, const View< A > &u, const View< A > &v, View< A > &hsv)
 Converts YUV444P image to 24-bit HSV(Hue, Saturation, Value) image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Yuv420pToHue (const View< A > &y, const View< A > &u, const View< A > &v, View< A > &hue)
 Converts YUV420P image to 8-bit image with Hue component of HSV or HSL color space. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Yuv444pToHue (const View< A > &y, const View< A > &u, const View< A > &v, View< A > &hue)
 Converts YUV444P image to 8-bit image with Hue component of HSV or HSL color space. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Yuv420pToRgb (const View< A > &y, const View< A > &u, const View< A > &v, View< A > &rgb, SimdYuvType yuvType=SimdYuvBt601)
 Converts YUV420P image to 24-bit RGB image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Yuv422pToRgb (const View< A > &y, const View< A > &u, const View< A > &v, View< A > &rgb, SimdYuvType yuvType=SimdYuvBt601)
 Converts YUV422P image to 24-bit RGB image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Yuv444pToRgb (const View< A > &y, const View< A > &u, const View< A > &v, View< A > &rgb, SimdYuvType yuvType=SimdYuvBt601)
 Converts YUV444P image to 24-bit RGB image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Yuv444pToRgba (const View< A > &y, const View< A > &u, const View< A > &v, View< A > &rgba, uint8_t alpha=0xFF, SimdYuvType yuvType=SimdYuvBt601)
 Converts YUV444P image to 32-bit RGBA image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Yuv420pToUyvy422 (const View< A > &y, const View< A > &u, const View< A > &v, View< A > &uyvy)
 Converts YUV420P to 16-bit UYVY422 image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Convert (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst)
 Converts an image of one format to an image of another format. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Fill (Pyramid< A > &pyramid, uint8_t value)
 Fills pixels data of images in the pyramid by given value. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Copy (const Pyramid< A > &src, Pyramid< A > &dst)
 Copies one pyramid to another pyramid. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Build (Pyramid< A > &pyramid, ::SimdReduceType reduceType, bool compensation=true)
 Builds the pyramid (fills upper levels on the base of the lowest level). More...
template<template< class > class A, template< class > class B>
bool EqualSize (const Frame< A > &a, const Frame< B > &b)
template<template< class > class A, template< class > class B>
bool Compatible (const Frame< A > &a, const Frame< B > &b)
template<template< class > class A, template< class > class B>
void Copy (const Frame< A > &src, Frame< B > &dst)
 Copies one frame to another frame. More...
template<template< class > class A>
void Convert (const Frame< A > &src, Frame< A > &dst)
 Converts one frame to another frame. More...
template<template< class > class A, template< class > class B>
SIMD_INLINE bool EqualSize (const Frame< A > &a, const Frame< B > &b)
template<template< class > class A, template< class > class B>
SIMD_INLINE bool Compatible (const Frame< A > &a, const Frame< B > &b)
template<template< class > class A, template< class > class B>
SIMD_INLINE void Copy (const Frame< A > &src, Frame< B > &dst)
 Copies one frame to another frame. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void Convert (const Frame< A > &src, Frame< A > &dst)
 Converts one frame to another frame. More...
Point< ptrdiff_t > Scale (Point< ptrdiff_t > size, int scale=2)
 Scales size of an image. More...
template<template< class > class A, class Color >
SIMD_INLINE void DrawLine (View< A > &canvas, ptrdiff_t x1, ptrdiff_t y1, ptrdiff_t x2, ptrdiff_t y2, const Color &color, size_t width=1)
 Draws a line at the image. More...
template<template< class > class A, class Color >
SIMD_INLINE void DrawLine (View< A > &canvas, const Point< ptrdiff_t > &p1, const Point< ptrdiff_t > &p2, const Color &color, size_t width=1)
 Draws a line at the image. More...
template<template< class > class A, class Color >
SIMD_INLINE void DrawRectangle (View< A > &canvas, const Rectangle< ptrdiff_t > &rect, const Color &color, size_t width=1)
 Draws a rectangle at the image. More...
template<template< class > class A, class Color >
SIMD_INLINE void DrawRectangle (View< A > &canvas, const Point< ptrdiff_t > &topLeft, const Point< ptrdiff_t > &bottomRight, const Color &color, size_t width=1)
 Draws a rectangle at the image. More...
template<template< class > class A, class Color >
SIMD_INLINE void DrawRectangle (View< A > &canvas, ptrdiff_t left, ptrdiff_t top, ptrdiff_t right, ptrdiff_t bottom, const Color &color, size_t width=1)
 Draws a rectangle at the image. More...
template<template< class > class A, class Color >
SIMD_INLINE void DrawFilledRectangle (View< A > &canvas, Rectangle< ptrdiff_t > rect, const Color &color)
 Draws a filled rectangle at the image. More...
template<template< class > class A, class Color >
SIMD_INLINE void DrawPolygon (View< A > &canvas, const std::vector< Simd::Point< ptrdiff_t > > &polygon, const Color &color, size_t width=1)
 Draws a polygon at the image. More...
template<template< class > class A, class Color >
SIMD_INLINE void DrawFilledPolygon (View< A > &canvas, const std::vector< Simd::Point< ptrdiff_t > > &polygon, const Color &color)
 Draws a filled polygon at the image. More...
template<template< class > class A, class Color >
SIMD_INLINE void DrawEllipse (View< A > &canvas, const Point< ptrdiff_t > &center, const Point< ptrdiff_t > &axes, double slope, const Color &color, size_t width=1)
 Draws an ellipse at the image. More...
template<template< class > class A, class Color >
SIMD_INLINE void DrawCircle (View< A > &canvas, const Point< ptrdiff_t > &center, ptrdiff_t radius, const Color &color, size_t width=1)
 Draws a circle at the image. More...
Image AbsGradientSaturatedSum (Image src, Image dst)
 Gets 8-bit gray image saturated sum of absolute gradient for every point of source 8-bit gray image. More...
def Resize (Image src, Image dst, method=Simd.ResizeMethod.Bilinear)
 The function performs image resizing. More...
Image Resized (Image src, int width, int height, method=Simd.ResizeMethod.Bilinear)
 The function gets resized image. More...
def SynetSetInput (Image src, array.array('f') lower, array.array('f') upper, ctypes.c_void_p dst, int channels, Simd.TensorFormat format, isRgb=False)
 Sets image to the input of neural network of Synet Framework. More...
def WarpAffine (Image src, array.array('f') mat, Image dst, flags=(Simd.WarpAffineFlags.ChannelByte|Simd.WarpAffineFlags.InterpBilinear|Simd.WarpAffineFlags.BorderConstant), border=array.array('B', []))
 Performs warp affine for current image. More...

Detailed Description

Simd API C++ wrappers.