Simd Library Documentation.

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A wrapper around Simd Library API. More...

Public Member Functions

def Init (dir="")
 Initializes Simd.Lib class (loads Simd Library binaries). More...
str Version ()
 Gets version of Simd Library. More...
str CpuDesc (Simd.CpuDesc type)
 Gets string with CPU description. More...
int CpuInfo (Simd.CpuInfo type)
 Gets information about CPU. More...
str SysInfo ()
 Gets string with CPU and Simd Library description. More...
str PerformanceStatistic ()
 Gets string with internal Simd Library performance statistics. More...
ctypes.c_void_p Allocate (int size, int align)
 Allocates aligned memory block. More...
def Free (ctypes.c_void_p ptr)
 Frees aligned memory block. More...
int Align (int size, int align)
 Gets aligned size. More...
int Alignment ()
 Gets alignment required for the most productive work of Simd Library. More...
def Release (ctypes.c_void_p context)
 Releases context created with using of Simd Library API. More...
int GetThreadNumber ()
 Gets number of threads used by Simd Library to parallelize some algorithms. More...
def SetThreadNumber (int threadNumber)
 Sets number of threads used by Simd Library to parallelize some algorithms. More...
def ClearMmx ()
 Clears MMX registers. More...
bool GetFastMode ()
 Gets current CPU Flush-To-Zero (FTZ) and Denormals-Are-Zero (DAZ) flags. More...
def SetFastMode (bool fast)
 Sets current CPU Flush-To-Zero (FTZ) and Denormals-Are-Zero (DAZ) flags. More...
ctypes.c_uint32 Crc32 (ctypes.c_void_p src, int size)
 Gets 32-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC32) for current data. More...
def Crc32c (ctypes.c_void_p src, int size)
 Gets 32-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC32c) for current data. More...
def AbsGradientSaturatedSum (ctypes.c_void_p src, int srcStride, int width, int height, ctypes.c_void_p dst, int dstStride)
 Puts to destination 8-bit gray image saturated sum of absolute gradient for every point of source 8-bit gray image. More...
def BgraToBgr (ctypes.c_void_p src, int srcStride, int width, int height, ctypes.c_void_p dst, int dstStride)
 Converts 32-bit BGRA image to 24-bit BGR image. More...
def BgraToGray (ctypes.c_void_p src, int srcStride, int width, int height, ctypes.c_void_p dst, int dstStride)
 Converts 32-bit BGRA image to 8-bit gray image. More...
def BgraToRgb (ctypes.c_void_p src, int srcStride, int width, int height, ctypes.c_void_p dst, int dstStride)
 Converts 32-bit BGRA image to 24-bit RGB image. More...
def BgraToRgba (ctypes.c_void_p src, int srcStride, int width, int height, ctypes.c_void_p dst, int dstStride)
 Converts 32-bit BGRA image to 32-bit RGBA image and back. More...
def BgraToYuv420p (ctypes.c_void_p src, int srcStride, int width, int height, ctypes.c_void_p y, int yStride, ctypes.c_void_p u, int uStride, ctypes.c_void_p v, int vStride, yuvType=Simd.YuvType.Bt601)
 Converts 32-bit BGRA image to YUV420P. More...
def BgrToBgra (ctypes.c_void_p src, int srcStride, int width, int height, ctypes.c_void_p dst, int dstStride, alpha=255)
 Converts 24-bit BGR to 32-bit BGRA image image. More...
def BgrToGray (ctypes.c_void_p src, int srcStride, int width, int height, ctypes.c_void_p dst, int dstStride)
 Converts 24-bit BGR image to 8-bit gray image. More...
def BgrToLab (ctypes.c_void_p src, int srcStride, int width, int height, ctypes.c_void_p dst, int dstStride)
 Converts 24-bit BGR image to 24-bit LAB image. More...
def BgrToRgb (ctypes.c_void_p src, int srcStride, int width, int height, ctypes.c_void_p dst, int dstStride)
 Converts 24-bit BGR image to 24-bit RGB image and back. More...
def BgrToYuv420p (ctypes.c_void_p src, int srcStride, int width, int height, ctypes.c_void_p y, int yStride, ctypes.c_void_p u, int uStride, ctypes.c_void_p v, int vStride, yuvType=Simd.YuvType.Bt601)
 Converts 24-bit BGR image to YUV420P. More...
def DeinterleaveUv (ctypes.c_void_p src, int srcStride, int width, int height, ctypes.c_void_p u, int uStride, ctypes.c_void_p v, int vStride)
 Deinterleaves 16-bit UV interleaved image into separated 8-bit U and V planar images. More...
def Copy (ctypes.c_void_p src, int srcStride, int width, int height, int pixelSize, ctypes.c_void_p dst, int dstStride)
 Copies an image. More...
def FillPixel (ctypes.c_void_p dst, int stride, int width, int height, array.array('B') pixel)
 Fills image by value of given pixel. More...
def GrayToBgra (ctypes.c_void_p src, int srcStride, int width, int height, ctypes.c_void_p dst, int dstStride, alpha=255)
 Converts 8-bit gray to 32-bit BGRA (32-bit RGBA) image. More...
def GrayToBgr (ctypes.c_void_p src, int srcStride, int width, int height, ctypes.c_void_p dst, int dstStride)
 Converts 8-bit gray image to 24-bit BGR (24-bit RGB) image and back. More...
def GrayToY (ctypes.c_void_p src, int srcStride, int width, int height, ctypes.c_void_p dst, int dstStride)
 Converts 8-bit gray image to 8-bit Y-plane of YUV image. More...
bool ImageSaveToFile (ctypes.c_void_p src, int stride, int width, int height, Simd.PixelFormat format, Simd.ImageFile file, int quality, str path)
 Saves an image to file in given image file format. More...
def ImageLoadFromFile (str path, Simd.PixelFormat desiredFormat)
 Loads an image from file. More...
def InterleaveUv (ctypes.c_void_p u, int uStride, ctypes.c_void_p v, int vStride, int width, int height, ctypes.c_void_p uv, int uvStride)
 Interleaves separate 8-bit U and V planar images into 16-bit UV interleaved image. More...
def RgbToBgra (ctypes.c_void_p src, int srcStride, int width, int height, ctypes.c_void_p dst, int dstStride, alpha=255)
 Converts 24-bit RGB to 32-bit BGRA image image. More...
def RgbToGray (ctypes.c_void_p src, int srcStride, int width, int height, ctypes.c_void_p dst, int dstStride)
 Converts 24-bit RGB image to 8-bit gray image. More...
def RgbaToGray (ctypes.c_void_p src, int srcStride, int width, int height, ctypes.c_void_p dst, int dstStride)
 Converts 32-bit RGBA image to 8-bit gray image. More...
ctypes.c_void_p ResizerInit (int srcX, int srcY, int dstX, int dstY, int channels, Simd.ResizeChannel type, Simd.ResizeMethod method)
 Creates resize context. More...
def ResizerRun (ctypes.c_void_p resizer, ctypes.c_void_p src, int srcStride, ctypes.c_void_p dst, int dstStride)
 Performs image resizing. More...
def SynetSetInput (ctypes.c_void_p src, int width, int height, int stride, Simd.PixelFormat srcFormat, array.array('f') lower, array.array('f') upper, ctypes.c_void_p dst, int channels, Simd.TensorFormat dstFormat, isRgb=False)
 Sets image to the input of neural network of Synet Framework. More...
ctypes.c_void_p WarpAffineInit (int srcW, int srcH, int srcS, int dstW, int dstH, int dstS, channels, array.array('f') mat, Simd.WarpAffineFlags flags, array.array('B') border)
 Creates wrap affine context. More...
def WarpAffineRun (ctypes.c_void_p context, ctypes.c_void_p src, ctypes.c_void_p dst)
 Performs warp affine for current image. More...
def YToGray (ctypes.c_void_p src, int srcStride, int width, int height, ctypes.c_void_p dst, int dstStride)
 Converts 8-bit Y-plane of YUV image to 8-bit gray image. More...
def Yuv420pToBgr (ctypes.c_void_p y, int yStride, ctypes.c_void_p u, int uStride, ctypes.c_void_p v, int vStride, int width, int height, ctypes.c_void_p dst, int dstStride, yuvType=Simd.YuvType.Bt601)
 Converts YUV420P image to 24-bit BGR. More...
def Yuv420pToBgra (ctypes.c_void_p y, int yStride, ctypes.c_void_p u, int uStride, ctypes.c_void_p v, int vStride, int width, int height, ctypes.c_void_p dst, int dstStride, alpha=255, yuvType=Simd.YuvType.Bt601)
 Converts YUV420P image to 32-bit BGRA. More...
def Yuv420pToRgb (ctypes.c_void_p y, int yStride, ctypes.c_void_p u, int uStride, ctypes.c_void_p v, int vStride, int width, int height, ctypes.c_void_p dst, int dstStride, yuvType=Simd.YuvType.Bt601)
 Converts YUV420P image to 24-bit RGB. More...

Detailed Description

A wrapper around Simd Library API.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Init()

def Init (   dir = "")

Initializes Simd.Lib class (loads Simd Library binaries).

This method must be called before any using of this class.
dir- a directory with Simd Library binaries (Simd.dll or By default it is empty string. That means that binaries will be searched in the directory with current Python file.

◆ Version()

str Version ( )

Gets version of Simd Library.

A string with version.

◆ CpuDesc()

str CpuDesc ( Simd.CpuDesc  type)

Gets string with CPU description.

type- a type of CPU description.
A string with system description.

◆ CpuInfo()

int CpuInfo ( Simd.CpuInfo  type)

Gets information about CPU.

type- a type of CPU information.
integer value of given CPU parameter.

◆ SysInfo()

str SysInfo ( )

Gets string with CPU and Simd Library description.

string with CPU and Simd Library description.

◆ PerformanceStatistic()

str PerformanceStatistic ( )

Gets string with internal Simd Library performance statistics.

Simd Library must be built with switched on SIMD_PERF flag.
string with internal Simd Library performance statistics.

◆ Allocate()

ctypes.c_void_p Allocate ( int  size,
int  align 

Allocates aligned memory block.

The memory allocated by this function is must be deleted by function Simd.Lib.Free.
size- an original size.
align- a required alignment.
return a pointer to allocated memory.

◆ Free()

def Free ( ctypes.c_void_p  ptr)

Frees aligned memory block.

This function frees a memory allocated by function Simd.Lib.Allocate.
ptr- a pointer to the memory to be deleted.

◆ Align()

int Align ( int  size,
int  align 

Gets aligned size.

size- an original size.
align- a required alignment.
return an aligned size.

◆ Alignment()

int Alignment ( )

Gets alignment required for the most productive work of Simd Library.

return a required alignment.

◆ Release()

def Release ( ctypes.c_void_p  context)

Releases context created with using of Simd Library API.

context- a context to be released.

◆ GetThreadNumber()

int GetThreadNumber ( )

Gets number of threads used by Simd Library to parallelize some algorithms.

thread number used by Simd Library.

◆ SetThreadNumber()

def SetThreadNumber ( int  threadNumber)

Sets number of threads used by Simd Library to parallelize some algorithms.

threadNumber- number used by Simd Library.

◆ ClearMmx()

def ClearMmx ( )

Clears MMX registers.

Clears MMX registers (runs EMMS instruction). It is x86 specific functionality.

◆ GetFastMode()

bool GetFastMode ( )

Gets current CPU Flush-To-Zero (FTZ) and Denormals-Are-Zero (DAZ) flags.

It is used in order to process subnormal numbers.

current 'fast' mode.

◆ SetFastMode()

def SetFastMode ( bool  fast)

Sets current CPU Flush-To-Zero (FTZ) and Denormals-Are-Zero (DAZ) flags.

It is used in order to process subnormal numbers.

fast- a value of 'fast' mode to set.

◆ Crc32()

ctypes.c_uint32 Crc32 ( ctypes.c_void_p  src,
int  size 

Gets 32-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC32) for current data.

Calculation is performed for polynomial 0xEDB88320.

src- a pointer to data.
size- a size of the data.
32-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC32).

◆ Crc32c()

def Crc32c ( ctypes.c_void_p  src,
int  size 

Gets 32-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC32c) for current data.

Calculation is performed for polynomial 0x1EDC6F41 (Castagnoli-crc).

src- a pointer to data.
size- a size of the data.
32-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC32c).

◆ AbsGradientSaturatedSum()

def AbsGradientSaturatedSum ( ctypes.c_void_p  src,
int  srcStride,
int  width,
int  height,
ctypes.c_void_p  dst,
int  dstStride 

Puts to destination 8-bit gray image saturated sum of absolute gradient for every point of source 8-bit gray image.

src- a pointer to pixels data of input 8-bit gray image.
srcStride- a row size of input image in bytes.
width- a width of input/output image.
height- a height of input/output image.
dst- a pointer to pixels data of output 8-bit gray image.
dstStride- a row size of output image in bytes.

◆ BgraToBgr()

def BgraToBgr ( ctypes.c_void_p  src,
int  srcStride,
int  width,
int  height,
ctypes.c_void_p  dst,
int  dstStride 

Converts 32-bit BGRA image to 24-bit BGR image.

Also it can be used for 32-bit RGBA to 24-bit RGB conversion.

src- a pointer to pixels data of input 32-bit BGRA (or 32-bit RGBA) image.
srcStride- a row size of input image in bytes.
width- a width of input/output image.
height- a height of input/output image.
dst- a pointer to pixels data of output 24-bit BGR (or 24-bit RGB) image.
dstStride- a row size of output image in bytes.

◆ BgraToGray()

def BgraToGray ( ctypes.c_void_p  src,
int  srcStride,
int  width,
int  height,
ctypes.c_void_p  dst,
int  dstStride 

Converts 32-bit BGRA image to 8-bit gray image.

src- a pointer to pixels data of input 32-bit BGRA.
srcStride- a row size of input image in bytes.
width- a width of input/output image.
height- a height of input/output image.
dst- a pointer to pixels data of output 8-bit gray image.
dstStride- a row size of output image in bytes.

◆ BgraToRgb()

def BgraToRgb ( ctypes.c_void_p  src,
int  srcStride,
int  width,
int  height,
ctypes.c_void_p  dst,
int  dstStride 

Converts 32-bit BGRA image to 24-bit RGB image.

Also it can be used for 32-bit RGBA to 24-bit BGR conversion.

src- a pointer to pixels data of input 32-bit BGRA (or 32-bit RGBA) image.
srcStride- a row size of input image in bytes.
width- a width of input/output image.
height- a height of input/output image.
dst- a pointer to pixels data of output 24-bit RGB (or 24-bit BGR) image.
dstStride- a row size of output image in bytes.

◆ BgraToRgba()

def BgraToRgba ( ctypes.c_void_p  src,
int  srcStride,
int  width,
int  height,
ctypes.c_void_p  dst,
int  dstStride 

Converts 32-bit BGRA image to 32-bit RGBA image and back.

src- a pointer to pixels data of input 32-bit BGRA (or 32-bit RGBA) image.
srcStride- a row size of input image in bytes.
width- a width of input/output image.
height- a height of input/output image.
dst- a pointer to pixels data of output 32-bit RGBA (or 32-bit BGRA) image.
dstStride- a row size of output image in bytes.

◆ BgraToYuv420p()

def BgraToYuv420p ( ctypes.c_void_p  src,
int  srcStride,
int  width,
int  height,
ctypes.c_void_p  y,
int  yStride,
ctypes.c_void_p  u,
int  uStride,
ctypes.c_void_p  v,
int  vStride,
  yuvType = Simd.YuvType.Bt601 

Converts 32-bit BGRA image to YUV420P.

The input BGRA and output Y images must have the same width and height. The output U and V images must have the same width and height (half size relative to Y component).

src- a pointer to pixels data of input 32-bit BGRA image.
srcStride- a row size of input image in bytes.
width- a width of input/output image.
height- a height of input/output image.
y- a pointer to pixels data of output 8-bit image with Y color plane.
yStride- a row size of the y image.
u- a pointer to pixels data of output 8-bit image with U color plane.
uStride- a row size of the u image.
v- a pointer to pixels data of output 8-bit image with V color plane.
vStride- a row size of the v image.
yuvType- a type of output YUV image (see descriprion of Simd.YuvType).

◆ BgrToBgra()

def BgrToBgra ( ctypes.c_void_p  src,
int  srcStride,
int  width,
int  height,
ctypes.c_void_p  dst,
int  dstStride,
  alpha = 255 

Converts 24-bit BGR to 32-bit BGRA image image.

Also it can be used for 24-bit RGB to 32-bit RGBA conversion.

src- a pointer to pixels data of input 24-bit BGR (or 24-bit RGB) image.
srcStride- a row size of input image in bytes.
width- a width of input/output image.
height- a height of input/output image.
dst- a pointer to pixels data of output 32-bit BGRA (or 32-bit RGBA) image.
dstStride- a row size of output image in bytes.
alpha- a value of alpha channel. By default it is equal to 255.

◆ BgrToGray()

def BgrToGray ( ctypes.c_void_p  src,
int  srcStride,
int  width,
int  height,
ctypes.c_void_p  dst,
int  dstStride 

Converts 24-bit BGR image to 8-bit gray image.

src- a pointer to pixels data of input 24-bit BGR.
srcStride- a row size of input image in bytes.
width- a width of input/output image.
height- a height of input/output image.
dst- a pointer to pixels data of output 8-bit gray image.
dstStride- a row size of output image in bytes.

◆ BgrToLab()

def BgrToLab ( ctypes.c_void_p  src,
int  srcStride,
int  width,
int  height,
ctypes.c_void_p  dst,
int  dstStride 

Converts 24-bit BGR image to 24-bit LAB image.

src- a pointer to pixels data of input 24-bit BGR image.
srcStride- a row size of input image in bytes.
width- a width of input/output image.
height- a height of input/output image.
dst- a pointer to pixels data of output 24-bit LAB (CIELAB) image.
dstStride- a row size of output image in bytes.

◆ BgrToRgb()

def BgrToRgb ( ctypes.c_void_p  src,
int  srcStride,
int  width,
int  height,
ctypes.c_void_p  dst,
int  dstStride 

Converts 24-bit BGR image to 24-bit RGB image and back.

src- a pointer to pixels data of input 24-bit BGR (or 24-bit RGB) image.
srcStride- a row size of input image in bytes.
width- a width of input/output image.
height- a height of input/output image.
dst- a pointer to pixels data of output 24-bit RGB (or 24-bit BGR) image.
dstStride- a row size of output image in bytes.

◆ BgrToYuv420p()

def BgrToYuv420p ( ctypes.c_void_p  src,
int  srcStride,
int  width,
int  height,
ctypes.c_void_p  y,
int  yStride,
ctypes.c_void_p  u,
int  uStride,
ctypes.c_void_p  v,
int  vStride,
  yuvType = Simd.YuvType.Bt601 

Converts 24-bit BGR image to YUV420P.

The input BGR and output Y images must have the same width and height. The output U and V images must have the same width and height (half size relative to Y component).

src- a pointer to pixels data of input 24-bit BGR image.
srcStride- a row size of input image in bytes.
width- a width of input/output image.
height- a height of input/output image.
y- a pointer to pixels data of output 8-bit image with Y color plane.
yStride- a row size of the y image.
u- a pointer to pixels data of output 8-bit image with U color plane.
uStride- a row size of the u image.
v- a pointer to pixels data of output 8-bit image with V color plane.
vStride- a row size of the v image.
yuvType- a type of output YUV image (see descriprion of Simd.YuvType).

◆ DeinterleaveUv()

def DeinterleaveUv ( ctypes.c_void_p  src,
int  srcStride,
int  width,
int  height,
ctypes.c_void_p  u,
int  uStride,
ctypes.c_void_p  v,
int  vStride 

Deinterleaves 16-bit UV interleaved image into separated 8-bit U and V planar images.

All images must have the same width and height. This function used for NV12 to YUV420P conversion.

src- a pointer to pixels data of input 16-bit UV image.
srcStride- a row size of input image in bytes.
width- a width of input/output image.
height- a height of input/output image.
u- a pointer to pixels data of output 8-bit image with U color plane.
uStride- a row size of the u image.
v- a pointer to pixels data of output 8-bit image with V color plane.
vStride- a row size of the v image.

◆ Copy()

def Copy ( ctypes.c_void_p  src,
int  srcStride,
int  width,
int  height,
int  pixelSize,
ctypes.c_void_p  dst,
int  dstStride 

Copies an image.

src- a pointer to pixels data of input image.
srcStride- a row size of input image in bytes.
width- a width of input/output image.
height- a height of input/output image.
pixelSize- a pixel size of input/output image.
dst- a pointer to pixels data of output image.
dstStride- a row size of output image in bytes.

◆ FillPixel()

def FillPixel ( ctypes.c_void_p  dst,
int  stride,
int  width,
int  height,
array.array('B')  pixel 

Fills image by value of given pixel.

dst- a pointer to pixels data of output image.
stride- a row size of output image in bytes.
width- a width of output image.
height- a height of output image.
pixel- an array of unsigned 8-bit integer width pixel channels. Its size is in range [1..4].

◆ GrayToBgra()

def GrayToBgra ( ctypes.c_void_p  src,
int  srcStride,
int  width,
int  height,
ctypes.c_void_p  dst,
int  dstStride,
  alpha = 255 

Converts 8-bit gray to 32-bit BGRA (32-bit RGBA) image.

src- a pointer to pixels data of input 8-bit gray.
srcStride- a row size of input image in bytes.
width- a width of input/output image.
height- a height of input/output image.
dst- a pointer to pixels data of output 32-bit BGRA (or 32-bit RGBA) image.
dstStride- a row size of output image in bytes.
alpha- a value of alpha channel. By default it is equal to 255.

◆ GrayToBgr()

def GrayToBgr ( ctypes.c_void_p  src,
int  srcStride,
int  width,
int  height,
ctypes.c_void_p  dst,
int  dstStride 

Converts 8-bit gray image to 24-bit BGR (24-bit RGB) image and back.

src- a pointer to pixels data of input 8-bit gray image.
srcStride- a row size of input image in bytes.
width- a width of input/output image.
height- a height of input/output image.
dst- a pointer to pixels data of output 24-bit BGR (or 24-bit RGB) image.
dstStride- a row size of output image in bytes.

◆ GrayToY()

def GrayToY ( ctypes.c_void_p  src,
int  srcStride,
int  width,
int  height,
ctypes.c_void_p  dst,
int  dstStride 

Converts 8-bit gray image to 8-bit Y-plane of YUV image.

src- a pointer to pixels data of input 8-bit gray image.
srcStride- a row size of input image in bytes.
width- a width of input/output image.
height- a height of input/output image.
dst- a pointer to pixels data of output 8-bit Y-plane of YUV image.
dstStride- a row size of output image in bytes.

◆ ImageSaveToFile()

bool ImageSaveToFile ( ctypes.c_void_p  src,
int  stride,
int  width,
int  height,
Simd.PixelFormat  format,
Simd.ImageFile  file,
int  quality,
str  path 

Saves an image to file in given image file format.

src- a pointer to pixels data of input image.
stride- a row size of input image in bytes.
width- a width of input image.
height- a height of input image.
format- a pixel format of input image. Supported pixel formats: Simd.PixelFormat.Gray8, Simd.PixelFormat.Bgr24, Simd.PixelFormat.Bgra32, Simd.PixelFormat.Rgb24, Simd.PixelFormat.Rgba32.
file- a format of output image file. To auto choise format of output file set this parameter to Simd.ImageFile.Undefined.
quality- a parameter of compression quality (if file format supports it).
path- a path to output image file.
result of the operation.

◆ ImageLoadFromFile()

def ImageLoadFromFile ( str  path,
Simd.PixelFormat  desiredFormat 

Loads an image from file.

path- a path to input image file.
desiredFormat- a desired pixel format of output image. It can be Simd.PixelFormat.Gray8, Simd.PixelFormat.Bgr24, Simd.PixelFormat.Bgra32, Simd.PixelFormat.Rgb24, Simd.PixelFormat.Rgba32 or Simd.PixelFormat.Empty (use pixel format of input image file).
a pointer to pixel data, row size in bytes, image width, image height, output pixel format. The output pixel data mast be deleted after use by function Simd.Lib.Free.

◆ InterleaveUv()

def InterleaveUv ( ctypes.c_void_p  u,
int  uStride,
ctypes.c_void_p  v,
int  vStride,
int  width,
int  height,
ctypes.c_void_p  uv,
int  uvStride 

Interleaves separate 8-bit U and V planar images into 16-bit UV interleaved image.

All images must have the same width and height. This function used for YUV420P to NV12 conversion.

u- a pointer to pixels data of input 8-bit image with U color plane.
uStride- a row size of the u image.
v- a pointer to pixels data of input 8-bit image with V color plane.
vStride- a row size of the v image.
width- a width of input/output image.
height- a height of input/output image.
uv- a pointer to pixels data of output 16-bit UV image.
uvStride- a row size of output image in bytes.

◆ RgbToBgra()

def RgbToBgra ( ctypes.c_void_p  src,
int  srcStride,
int  width,
int  height,
ctypes.c_void_p  dst,
int  dstStride,
  alpha = 255 

Converts 24-bit RGB to 32-bit BGRA image image.

Also it can be used for 24-bit BGR to 32-bit RGBA conversion.

src- a pointer to pixels data of input 24-bit RGB (or 24-bit BGR) image.
srcStride- a row size of input image in bytes.
width- a width of input/output image.
height- a height of input/output image.
dst- a pointer to pixels data of output 32-bit BGRA (or 32-bit RGBA) image.
dstStride- a row size of output image in bytes.
alpha- a value of alpha channel. By default it is equal to 255.

◆ RgbToGray()

def RgbToGray ( ctypes.c_void_p  src,
int  srcStride,
int  width,
int  height,
ctypes.c_void_p  dst,
int  dstStride 

Converts 24-bit RGB image to 8-bit gray image.

src- a pointer to pixels data of input 24-bit RGB.
srcStride- a row size of input image in bytes.
width- a width of input/output image.
height- a height of input/output image.
dst- a pointer to pixels data of output 8-bit gray image.
dstStride- a row size of output image in bytes.

◆ RgbaToGray()

def RgbaToGray ( ctypes.c_void_p  src,
int  srcStride,
int  width,
int  height,
ctypes.c_void_p  dst,
int  dstStride 

Converts 32-bit RGBA image to 8-bit gray image.

src- a pointer to pixels data of input 32-bit RGBA.
srcStride- a row size of input image in bytes.
width- a width of input/output image.
height- a height of input/output image.
dst- a pointer to pixels data of output 8-bit gray image.
dstStride- a row size of output image in bytes.

◆ ResizerInit()

ctypes.c_void_p ResizerInit ( int  srcX,
int  srcY,
int  dstX,
int  dstY,
int  channels,
Simd.ResizeChannel  type,
Simd.ResizeMethod  method 

Creates resize context.

srcX- a width of the input image.
srcY- a height of the input image.
dstX- a width of the output image.
dstY- a height of the output image.
channels- a channel number of input and output image.
type- a type of input and output image channel.
method- a method used in order to resize image.
a pointer to resize context. On error it returns NULL. This pointer is used in functions SimdResizerRun. It must be released with using of function Simd.Release.

◆ ResizerRun()

def ResizerRun ( ctypes.c_void_p  resizer,
ctypes.c_void_p  src,
int  srcStride,
ctypes.c_void_p  dst,
int  dstStride 

Performs image resizing.

resizer- a resize context. It must be created by function Simd.ResizerInit and released by function Simd.Release.
src- a pointer to pixels data of the original input image.
srcStride- a row size (in bytes) of the input image.
dst- a pointer to pixels data of the resized output image.
dstStride- a row size (in bytes) of the output image.

◆ SynetSetInput()

def SynetSetInput ( ctypes.c_void_p  src,
int  width,
int  height,
int  stride,
Simd.PixelFormat  srcFormat,
array.array('f')  lower,
array.array('f')  upper,
ctypes.c_void_p  dst,
int  channels,
Simd.TensorFormat  dstFormat,
  isRgb = False 

Sets image to the input of neural network of Synet Framework.

src- a pointer to pixels data of input image.
height- a height of input image.
stride- a row size of input image in bytes.
width- a width of input image.
srcFormat- a pixel format of input image. Supported pixel formats: Simd.PixelFormat.Gray8, Simd.PixelFormat.Bgr24, Simd.PixelFormat.Bgra32, Simd.PixelFormat.Rgb24, Simd.PixelFormat.Rgba32.
lower- an array with lower bound of values of the output tensor. The size of the array have to correspond number of channels in the output image tensor.
upper- an array with upper bound of values of the output tensor. The size of the array have to correspond number of channels in the output image tensor.
dst- a pointer to the output 32-bit float image tensor.
channels- a number of channels in the output image tensor. It can be 1 or 3.
dstFormat- a format of output image tensor. There are supported following tensor formats: Simd.TensorFormat.Nchw, Simd.TensorFormat.Nhwc.
isRgb- is channel order of output tensor is RGB or BGR. Its default value is false.

◆ WarpAffineInit()

ctypes.c_void_p WarpAffineInit ( int  srcW,
int  srcH,
int  srcS,
int  dstW,
int  dstH,
int  dstS,
array.array('f')  mat,
Simd.WarpAffineFlags  flags,
array.array('B')  border 

Creates wrap affine context.

srcW- a width of input image.
srcH- a height of input image.
srcS- a row size (in bytes) of the input image.
dstW- a width of output image.
dstH- a height of output image.
dstS- a row size (in bytes) of the output image.
channels- a channel number of input and output image. Its value must be in range [1..4].
mat- an array with coefficients of affine warp (2x3 matrix).
flags- a flags of algorithm parameters.
border- an array with color of border. The size of the array mast be equal to channels. It parameter is actual for SimdWarpAffineBorderConstant flag. It can be NULL.
a pointer to warp affine context. On error it returns NULL. This pointer is used in functions Simd.WarpAffineRun. It must be released with using of function Simd.Release.

◆ WarpAffineRun()

def WarpAffineRun ( ctypes.c_void_p  context,
ctypes.c_void_p  src,
ctypes.c_void_p  dst 

Performs warp affine for current image.

context- a warp affine context. It must be created by function Simd.WarpAffineInit and released by function Simd.Release.
src- a pointer to pixels data of the original input image.
dst- a pointer to pixels data of the filtered output image.

◆ YToGray()

def YToGray ( ctypes.c_void_p  src,
int  srcStride,
int  width,
int  height,
ctypes.c_void_p  dst,
int  dstStride 

Converts 8-bit Y-plane of YUV image to 8-bit gray image.

src- a pointer to pixels data of input 8-bit Y-plane of YUV image.
srcStride- a row size of input image in bytes.
width- a width of input/output image.
height- a height of input/output image.
dst- a pointer to pixels data of output 8-bit gray image.
dstStride- a row size of output image in bytes.

◆ Yuv420pToBgr()

def Yuv420pToBgr ( ctypes.c_void_p  y,
int  yStride,
ctypes.c_void_p  u,
int  uStride,
ctypes.c_void_p  v,
int  vStride,
int  width,
int  height,
ctypes.c_void_p  dst,
int  dstStride,
  yuvType = Simd.YuvType.Bt601 

Converts YUV420P image to 24-bit BGR.

The input Y and output BGR images must have the same width and height. The input U and V images must have the same width and height (half size relative to Y component).

y- a pointer to pixels data of input 8-bit image with Y color plane.
yStride- a row size of the y image.
u- a pointer to pixels data of input 8-bit image with U color plane.
uStride- a row size of the u image.
v- a pointer to pixels data of input 8-bit image with V color plane.
vStride- a row size of the v image.
width- a width of input/output image.
height- a height of input/output image.
dst- a pointer to pixels data of output 24-bit BGR image.
dstStride- a row size of output image in bytes.
yuvType- a type of input YUV image (see descriprion of Simd.YuvType).

◆ Yuv420pToBgra()

def Yuv420pToBgra ( ctypes.c_void_p  y,
int  yStride,
ctypes.c_void_p  u,
int  uStride,
ctypes.c_void_p  v,
int  vStride,
int  width,
int  height,
ctypes.c_void_p  dst,
int  dstStride,
  alpha = 255,
  yuvType = Simd.YuvType.Bt601 

Converts YUV420P image to 32-bit BGRA.

The input Y and output BGRA images must have the same width and height. The input U and V images must have the same width and height (half size relative to Y component).

y- a pointer to pixels data of input 8-bit image with Y color plane.
yStride- a row size of the y image.
u- a pointer to pixels data of input 8-bit image with U color plane.
uStride- a row size of the u image.
v- a pointer to pixels data of input 8-bit image with V color plane.
vStride- a row size of the v image.
width- a width of input/output image.
height- a height of input/output image.
dst- a pointer to pixels data of output 32-bit BGRA image.
dstStride- a row size of output image in bytes.
alpha- a value of alpha channel. By default it is equal to 255.
yuvType- a type of input YUV image (see descriprion of Simd.YuvType).

◆ Yuv420pToRgb()

def Yuv420pToRgb ( ctypes.c_void_p  y,
int  yStride,
ctypes.c_void_p  u,
int  uStride,
ctypes.c_void_p  v,
int  vStride,
int  width,
int  height,
ctypes.c_void_p  dst,
int  dstStride,
  yuvType = Simd.YuvType.Bt601 

Converts YUV420P image to 24-bit RGB.

The input Y and output BGR images must have the same width and height. The input U and V images must have the same width and height (half size relative to Y component).

y- a pointer to pixels data of input 8-bit image with Y color plane.
yStride- a row size of the y image.
u- a pointer to pixels data of input 8-bit image with U color plane.
uStride- a row size of the u image.
v- a pointer to pixels data of input 8-bit image with V color plane.
vStride- a row size of the v image.
width- a width of input/output image.
height- a height of input/output image.
dst- a pointer to pixels data of output 24-bit RGB image.
dstStride- a row size of output image in bytes.
yuvType- a type of input YUV image (see descriprion of Simd.YuvType).