2025 |
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2023 |
2022 |
2021 |
2020 |
2019 |
2018 |
2017 |
2016 |
2015 |
2014 |
December 1, 2015 (version
New features
- Extended functionality of function OperationBinary16i (added Subtraction operation).
- Base implementation, SSE2, SSSE3, AVX2 and VMX optimizations of function MeanFilter3x3.
- Macro for ARM NEON architecture.
- Runtime ARM NEON detection.
- NEON optimization of function OperationBinary16i.
- NEON optimization of function OperationBinary8u.
- NEON optimization of function VectorProduct.
- NEON optimization of function ReduceGray2x2.
- NEON optimization of function Reorder16bit.
- NEON optimization of function Reorder32bit.
- NEON optimization of function Reorder64bit.
Test framework
New features
- Tests for verifying functionality of function MeanFilter3x3.
- Performance report generation for ARM NEON.
- Tests for verifying functionality of NEON version of function OperationBinary16i.
- Tests for verifying functionality of NEON version of function OperationBinary8u.
- Tests for verifying functionality of NEON version of function VectorProduct.
- Tests for verifying functionality of NEON version of function ReduceGray2x2.
- Tests for verifying functionality of NEON version of function Reorder16bit.
- Tests for verifying functionality of NEON version of function Reorder32bit.
- Tests for verifying functionality of NEON version of function Reorder64bit.
New features
- Added to CMakeLists.txt a section for building of the library for ARM(32-bit/64-bit) CPU architecture.
- Neon project for ARM NEON extension (CMake and Visual Studio).
November 2, 2015 (version
New features
Test framework
Bug fixing
- Using uninitialized test data in tests for verifying functionality of function ConditionalFill.
New features
- A description of the library building.
- A description of test application using.
- Project files for Visual Studio 2012.
October 1, 2015 (version
New features
- Frame structure.
- Copy function (to copy frames).
- Convert function (to convert frames).
- Convert function (to convert one plane images of Gray8, Bgr24 and Bgra32 formats).
- Base implementation, SSE2, AVX2 and VMX optimizations of function InterleaveUv.
- Base implementation, SSE2, AVX2 and VMX optimizations of function ConditionalFill.
Test framework
New features
- Tests for verifying functionality of function InterleaveUv.
- Tests for verifying functionality of function ConditionalFill.
September 4, 2015 (version
New features
- Extended functionality of function OperationBinary8u (added Minimum operation).
Bug fixing
- Compiler errors for Visual Studio 2015.
August 3, 2015 (version
Bug fixing
- A bug in algorithm of tilted sum estimation.
- Loading of unaligned address as aligned in SSE2, SSSE3 and AVX2 optimizations of function SquaredDifferenceSumMasked.
- Loading of unaligned address as aligned in SSE2 and AVX2 optimizations of function Bgr48pToBgra32.
- A crash in function ResizeBilinear (resizing of 8-bit gray image from 642x300 to 200x200).
July 1, 2015 (version
New features
- SSE2, AVX2 and VMX optimizations of function HistogramMasked.
- SSSE3 optimization of function ReduceGray4x4.
- SSSE3 optimization of function Laplace.
- SSSE3 optimization of function SobelDx.
- SSSE3 optimization of function SobelDy.
- SSSE3 optimization of function TextureBoostedSaturatedGradient.
- SSSE3 optimization of function SquaredDifferenceSum.
- SSSE3 optimization of function SquaredDifferenceSumMasked.
- Base implementation of function NormalizeHistogram.
- Base implementation, SSE, AVX and VSX optimizations of function SquaredDifferenceKahanSum32f.
- SSSE3 optimization of function GaussianBlur3x3.
Bug fixing
- Loading of unaligned address as aligned in SSE2 and AVX2 optimizations of function AbsDifferenceSumMasked.
- A bug in Base implementation of function FillBgr.
- Improving of VMX optimization of function ReduceGray2x2.
- Loop unrolling of VMX optimization of function AbsDifferenceSums3x3.
- Loop unrolling of VMX optimization of function AbsGradientSaturatedSum.
- Improving of AVX2 and VMX optimizations of function ReduceGray4x4.
- Improving of AVX2 and VMX optimizations of function TextureBoostedSaturatedGradient.
- Improving of AVX2 optimization of function Laplace.
- Improving of AVX2 optimization of function SobelDx.
- Improving of AVX2 optimization of function SobelDy.
- Improving of SSSE3 and AVX2 optimizations of function LaplaceAbs.
- Improving of SSSE3 and AVX2 optimizations of function LaplaceAbsSum.
- Improving of SSSE3 and AVX2 optimizations of function SobelDxAbs.
- Improving of SSSE3 and AVX2 optimizations of function SobelDxAbsSum.
- Improving of SSSE3 and AVX2 optimizations of function SobelDyAbs.
- Improving of SSSE3 and AVX2 optimizations of function SobelDyAbsSum.
- Improving of SSSE3 and AVX2 optimizations of function ContourMetrics.
- Improving of SSSE3 and AVX2 optimizations of function ContourMetricsMasked.
- Improving of AVX2 optimization of function SquaredDifferenceSum.
- Improving of AVX2 optimization of function SquaredDifferenceSumMasked.
- Improving of SSSE3 and AVX2 optimizations of function ResizeBilinear for 8-bit gray images.
- Improving of AVX2 optimization of function GaussianBlur3x3.
Test framework
New features
- Tests for verifying functionality of function NormalizeHistogram.
- Tests for verifying functionality of function SquaredDifferenceKahanSum32f.
New features
- Project files for Visual Studio 2015.
June 1, 2015 (version
New features
- Base implementation, SSE2, AVX2 and VMX optimizations of function Laplace.
- Base implementation, SSSE3, AVX2 and VMX optimizations of function LaplaceAbs.
- Base implementation, SSSE3, AVX2 and VMX optimizations of function LaplaceAbsSum.
Bug fixing
- A GCC compiler error in function Simd::Sse2::ResizeBilinear.
- Loop unrolling of SSE, AVX and VSX optimizations of function SquaredDifferenceSum32f.
- Loop unrolling of VSX optimization of function SvmSumLinear.
- Loop unrolling of VMX optimization of function SquaredDifferenceSum.
- Loop unrolling of VMX optimization of function SquaredDifferenceSumMasked.
- Loop unrolling of VMX optimization of function AbsDifferenceSum.
- Loop unrolling of VMX optimization of function AbsDifferenceSumMasked.
- Loop unrolling of VMX optimization of function ValueSum.
- Loop unrolling of VMX optimization of function SquareSum.
- Loop unrolling of VMX optimization of function CorrelationSum.
- Loop unrolling of VMX optimization of function ConditionalCount8u.
- Loop unrolling of VMX optimization of function ConditionalCount16i.
- Loop unrolling of VMX optimization of function ConditionalSum.
- Loop unrolling of VMX optimization of function ConditionalSquareSum.
- Loop unrolling of VMX optimization of function ConditionalSquareGradientSum.
- Loop unrolling of VMX optimization of function GetStatistic.
- Loop unrolling of VMX optimization of function GetRowSums.
- Loop unrolling of VMX optimization of function GetAbsDyRowSums.
- Loop unrolling of VMX optimization of function OperationBinary8u.
- Loop unrolling of VMX optimization of function VectorProduct.
- Loop unrolling of VMX optimization of function AddFeatureDifference.
- Loop unrolling of SSE2, AVX2 and VMX optimizations of function AbsSecondDerivativeHistogram.
Test framework
New features
- Common performance measurement.
- Multi threading performance testing.
- Tests for verifying functionality of function Laplace.
- Tests for verifying functionality of function LaplaceAbs.
- Tests for verifying functionality of function LaplaceAbsSum.
Bug fixing
- A GCC compiler warning in function Test::Data::CreatePath.
Bug fixing
- The wrong classification of the function GaussianBlur3x3.
- A description of function Laplace.
- A description of function LaplaceAbs.
- A description of function LaplaceAbsSum.
May 4, 2015 (version
New features
- Base implementation, SSE, AVX and VSX optimizations of function SvmSumLinear.
- SSE2, SSSE3, AVX2 and VMX optimizations of function ResizeBilinear for Uv16, Bgr24 and Bgra32 images.
- Base implementation, SSSE3, AVX2 and VMX optimizations of function Yuv422pToBgr.
- Base implementation, SSE2, AVX2 and VMX optimizations of function Yuv422pToBgra.
- Runtime detection of VMX and VSX extensions for PowerPC.
- Base implementation, SSE2, SSSE3, AVX2 and VMX optimizations of function BgraToYuv422p.
- Base implementation, SSSE3, AVX2 and VMX optimizations of function BgrToYuv422p.
Bug fixing
- A potential program crash in function SimdSquaredDifferenceSum32f.
- Removing of redundant inclusion of header files.
Test framework
New features
- Tests for verifying functionality of function SvmSumLinear.
- Tests for verifying functionality of function Yuv422pToBgr.
- Tests for verifying functionality of function Yuv422pToBgra.
- Tests for verifying functionality of function BgraToYuv422p.
- Tests for verifying functionality of function BgrToYuv422p.
- Joint declaration and execution of auto- and data-tests.
New features
- A description of function SvmSumLinear.
- A description of function Yuv422pToBgr.
- A description of function Yuv422pToBgra.
- A description of function BgraToYuv422p.
- A description of function BgrToYuv422p.
- Expanding of the library overview.
Bug fixing
- A small inaccuracy in description of SimdShiftBilinear.
- Incorrect insert of pseudocode in function's descriptions.
New features
- Vmx project for PowerPC VMX(AltiVec) extension.
April 2, 2015 (version
New features
- Base implementation, SSE2, AVX2 and VSX optimization of function CorrelationSum.
- Functions Avx::Square and Avx::Combine.
Bug fixing
- A program crash in function SimdShiftBilinear.
Test framework
New features
- Tests for verifying functionality of function CorrelationSum.
New features
- A description of function CorrelationSum.
- A reference to the project at GitHub.
New features
- This project was added to GitHub.
- A support of non SVN repositories was added to GetVersion.cmd and GetVersion.sh scripts.
Bug fixing
- An error for x86/x64 in CMakeLists.txt.
March 2, 2015 (version
New features
- An operator of division of rectangle on scalar value.
- Base implementation, SSSE3, AVX2 and VSX optimization of function SobelDxAbsSum.
- Base implementation, SSSE3, AVX2 and VSX optimization of function SobelDyAbsSum.
- Base implementation, SSE2, AVX2 and VSX optimization of function HogDirectionHistograms.
Bug fixing
- Function SimdAllocate() returns NULL if align is less then pointer size.
Test framework
New features
- Tests for verifying functionality of function SobelDxAbsSum.
- Tests for verifying functionality of function SobelDyAbsSum.
- Tests for verifying functionality of function HogDirectionHistograms.
New features
- A description of function SobelDxAbsSum.
- A description of function SobelDyAbsSum.
- A description of function HogDirectionHistograms.
February 4, 2015 (version
New features
- C API functions for memory management: SimdAllocate, SimdFree, SimdAlign and SimdAlignment.
- Methods Allocator::Align and Allocator::Alignment.
- An extension of files with C++ API classes was changed from *.h to *.hpp.
- SimdUtils.h was renamed to SimdLib.hpp.
- A C++ API was made independent from internal implementation of Simd Library.
- A content of SimdTypes.h was moved to SimdLib.h.
Bug fixing
- Wrong using of "bool" type in C API.
- Error in function Allocate for PowerPC.
Test framework
New features
- A file TestCheckC.c for checking of C API.
- A file TestCheckCpp.c for checking of C++ API.
New features
- An on-line and off-line documentation generated by Doxygen.
- A separate file SimdHelp.h with the service information required to generate a reference documentation.
- A description of Allocator structure.
- A description of Point structure and related functions.
- A description of Rectangle structure and related functions.
- A description of View structure and related functions.
- A description of Pixel::Bgr24 structure.
- A description of Pixel::Bgra32 structure.
- A description of Pixel::Hsv24 structure.
- A description of Pixel::Hsl24 structure.
- A description for all C++ wrapper functions.
January 5, 2015 (version
New features
- Pixel::Bgr24 structure.
- Pixel::Bgra32 structure.
- Pixel::Hsv24 structure.
- Pixel::Hsl24 structure.
- Base implementation of function BgrToHsv.
- Base implementation of function BgrToHsl.
- Base implementation of function Yuv444pToHsv.
- Base implementation of function Yuv444pToHsl.
Bug fixing
- Wrong assert condition in function SegmentationShrinkRegion.
Test framework
New features
- Tests for verifying functionality of function BgrToHsv.
- Tests for verifying functionality of function BgrToHsl.
- Tests for verifying functionality of function Yuv444pToHsv.
- Tests for verifying functionality of function Yuv444pToHsl.
2025 |
2024 |
2023 |
2022 |
2021 |
2020 |
2019 |
2018 |
2017 |
2016 |
2015 |
2014 |